Important Updates
Message From John Dyson (AFR President):
Dear Front Runners,
I am excited to share with you all that Austin Front Runners will be restarting face to face runs. We will meet up at our usual spot under the MOPAC bridge where we will then be divided into groups of no more than 10 Front Runners.
We will be following a revised process for our run circles and we would ask everyone to read through and follow the Run Guidance document prior to attending a run. All Front Runners and guests are invited to both pilot runs. Providing the two pilot runs go well, we are hoping to then move to a schedule of three runs per week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Saturday mornings. Further communication about this will be provided after the pilot.
Virtual run circles will still take place on Saturday mornings via Zoom during the pilot program.
I am very much looking forward to seeing many of you again face to face. I would ask for your patience and good humor during our pilot runs, this is a new process for all of us and it may take some adjustments here and there.
If you have any questions about this, please reach out to me or any other Board member.
Kindest Regards,